Construction of theoretical system of Shanghai style fashion trend

Edinburgh and Shanghai are both creative hubs, and there are many synergies and complementarities between the two cities. Edinburgh is renowned for its innovation and rich history, especially for its international cultural festivals, which are closely linked with national cultural institutions. This is in keeping with Shanghai, an international metropolis and its reputation as a capital of international trade, fashion industry and leisure. The cultural values of these two cities continue to provide an ideal environment for collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and Donghua University.

Achievements and Achievements
SCF's results began with the formal admission of students in both majors in 2014. In June 2018, the first batch of students graduated, and all Chinese students were successfully employed or further their studies. The Shanghai International Fashion and Creative College of Donghua University is growing steadily. Its teaching team is uniquely international and strives to become a global center for transnational education.
Following a recent assessment of the University of Edinburgh's teaching, SCF will further embed practical projects into the curriculum to build a more solid platform for students' professional development. SCF will continue to expand its international partnerships and has already established exchange relationships with several schools in Europe and Asia.
A development framework agreement to further support closer collaboration between ECA and SCF faculty and staff is in the works. The development of the SCF/ECA partnership will be further supported by the East Asia Office of the University of Edinburgh and the International Dean position established by SCF. In addition, regular meetings between flying scholars and the SCF teaching team during the five-week teaching module, on-site meetings with ECA professional directors, and Skype discussions all contribute to the partnership.
SCF 2016 was listed as the University of Edinburgh Strategic Plan and was highly recognized by the Evaluation Panel of the University of Edinburgh, School of Design in February 2016. The assessment team's feedback is as follows:
The evaluation team recognized the development of the collaboration with the SCF School of Donghua University. The collaboration promotes innovative learning in the apparel and interior design program in an international context and provides students with valuable links to China's apparel and creative industries.

Part of the research results of bilateral cooperation
Xiangyang Bian, Hong Zhong, Yu Liu, Chris Breward and Juliette MacDonald, China's Fashion Capital: Shanghai's Character (edited by C Breward and J MacDonald), to be published by Bloomsbury in 2019;
SCF/ECA members Hong Zhong, Juliette MacDonald, Yanyan Liao and Victoria Ho participated in the Cumulus Conference held in October 2018.
One Hundred Years of Lace: The Beauty of Design, curated by Mal Burkinshaw, will be held in Shanghai Textile and Clothing Museum, Donghua University, from April to May 2018.
R Simmonds' paper Inspiration from Shanghai Shikumen was published in the Proceedings of the July 2017 Symposium on Designing Placement to Promise, Vol. 3, p. 5116-5123.
In June 2018, SCF held its first Away Day, an opportunity for the teaching and administration teams to reflect on and discuss the achievements of SCF, and discuss how to improve teaching, learning and communication. The recommendations from the event provided the SCF management team with a platform to address key issues in the school's development.


今次为“爱丁堡艺术节·上海季Ⅳ——From Shanghai With Love”发布定制的科技旗袍3.0,不仅由东华大学师生携手科技领域专业团队设计研发,更有众多上海品牌企业参与其中,将科技、美容、服装行业融会贯通,在一件件旗袍中匠心独到地表现出来,完美演绎了“上海设计+上海品牌+上海文化”的上海时尚科技水平。
















第一,外教团队组织实施,组建了以爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh University)副校长兼下属爱丁堡艺术学院(Edinburgh College of Art)院长布里伍德(Christopher Breward)教授为首的6人外教专家团队,成员分别来自爱丁堡大学和伦敦艺术大学(London Art University)下属伦敦时装学院(London College of Fashion)两所国际名校。团队以作为海派时尚设计教育重要组成的艺术人文为核心,6位各有所长,既能各有分工各司其职,又能形成一个相对完整的体系化教学、研究和社会服务。以满足通过国际化教育促使本校海派时尚教育出水平出成效并快速走向国际前沿的要求。第二,外教团队采取分期分批来华工作的形式,每年4月和11月来华两次,在每次来华之前,均会预先按照本校海派时尚设计教育的需要,预先确定团队工作目标,按照工作目标确定来华成员以及工作任务。同时,每位外教均有各自明确的教学科研目标和任务。在来华工作期间,均会安排本校教师和研究生与之协同工作、并进行详细的工作记录,确保该团队的有效运作。第三,中外团队在研究领域中的配合。东华大学的艺术人文研究已经取得丰富的成果并在服装染织历史与文化研究中具有国际影响力。在本项目的海派时尚研究中,本校将根据外教的专长组织相应的中方团队进行合作研究,实现优势互补和成果共享。


聘请外国专家来东华大学工作的主要目的就是为了推动东华大学海派时尚设计国际合作教育的快速发展并促进其整体水平的迅速提升。通过聘请布里伍德(Christopher Breward)教授等来自英国爱丁堡大学和伦敦艺术大学下属设计和时装学院的6位专家组队前来本校,进行海派时尚设计的国际化教学、海派时尚的多角度综合研究、上海与伦敦的比较研究,并为中国发展时尚设计教育、上海建设时尚之都建言献策,以实施本校海派时尚设计的相关国际化教学、研究和社会服务,并促进本校海派时尚设计教育团队能力的进一步提高。