| Ding Zhe nikki-ding@dhu.edu.cn Teacher Assistant
中共党员,室内设计系课程助教,同济大学设计创意学院设计学专业硕士,主要研究方向为视觉传达和环境艺术设计。善于快速手绘和作品集设计。曾参与精品买手店、餐饮、办公、展示等空间设计。 发表学术论文2篇。 Chinese Party member, a Teaching Assistant at the Fashion Interior Department, Master's degree in design and innovation school Tongji University, Main research interests in visual communication and environmental art design. She is good at quick free-hand drawing. has been involved in the design of boutique stores, restaurants, offices, and displays...and had published some academic papers. |