上海国际时尚创意学院联合管理委员会2020年会议在线上召开Joint Management Committee Meeting |
2020年12月17日,上海国际时尚创意学院(以下简称SCF学院)第十二次联合管理委员会会议在松江校区召开。受疫情影响,此次会议采用视频会议的形式举行。校长、SCF学院联合管理委员会主任俞建勇,副校长、SCF学院联合管理委员会执行副主任卿凤翎,英方联合管理委员会副主任,爱丁堡大学副校长James Smith,以及学校相关部处、SCF学院、爱丁堡大学爱丁堡艺术学院的负责人等参加了本次会议。 俞建勇代表学校向会议的召开致以热烈的祝贺,向SCF学院中英合作办学取得的丰硕成果表示祝贺和感谢,他在讲话中特别指出,今年新冠疫情下,两校并肩作战,共克时艰,克服时差以及外教和国际学生无法来华现场授课等诸多新问题,最大限度满足学生个性化需求。他希望双方共担时代责任,共促全球发展,发挥设计学科及其跨学科、跨文化系统创新带来的新机遇,进一步加强沟通,增进理解,完善互惠合作机制,扩大本科生培养规模,拓展研究生培养领域的合作办学,深入推动双方在时尚创意设计领域的创新发展,共同打造全球国际时尚创意新高地。 在此基础上,进一步加强沟通,增进理解,完善互惠合作机制,扩大本科生培养规模,拓展研究生培养领域,深入推动两校在时尚创意设计领域的创新发展,共同打造全球国际时尚创意新高地。 ![]() 会议现场 会议听取了上海国际时尚创意学院李峻院长的年度工作报告。报告从学生培养、师资建设、教学组织、科学研究、学生支持与沟通、社会评价、教育部评估初步意见反馈等方面回顾了一年来SCF学院同爱丁堡大学爱丁堡艺术学院各项合作事业的进展,并对SCF学院未来五年发展规划提出了设想。联合管理委员会对2020年的发展和2021-2025年发展规划进行了认真审议,并就两校在合作办学中的硕士研究生领域合作、本科项目扩招、师资建设和合作伙伴发展战略等议题进行了充分讨论,对推动学院在更宽广的领域和更长远的视野中得到全面发展达成了高度共识。 ![]() 会议现场 据了解,联合管理委员会是中外合作办学机构的最高权力机构,作为中外合作办学机构质量管理与保障的重要机制,对学院的工作规划、过程监控和质量管理等方面发挥了积极的指导和监控作用。 Dec. 17th, 2020,12th Joint Management Committee online Meeting was held at the 1st Meeting Room, Information Center,DHU Songjiang campus. Presidentof DHU, Chair of SCF Joint Management Committee YUJianyong, VicePresident of DHU, Executive Vice Chair of SCF Joint Management Committee QINGFengling, Vice-Principal International, UoE, Vice Chair of SCF Joint Management Committee James Smith and other departments in both universities attend the meeting. President Yu Jianyong fullyaffirmed the fruitful results of the cooperation between the two institutions,congratulated SCF for its good performance in the evaluation by the MoE, andappreciated the efforts made by every JMC member in the successful running ofSCF. He pointed out that the two institutions maintained positive communicationand tried best to ensure teaching order in spite of time differences during theCovid-19 pandemic. It was hoped that on this basis, the two institutions wouldcontinue to strengthen communication, enhance understanding, improvemutually-beneficial cooperation mechanism, expand the scale of undergraduateprogrammes, explore cooperation in postgraduate programmes, and further promotethe innovative development of fashion creative design, and jointly create a globalnew height of international creative fashion. Dean of SCF, DHU, member of SCF Joint Management Committee LI Jun presented the Annual Report, which covered the following aspects: student education, undergraduate teaching achievements, ECA transfers and study abroad programmes, faculty employment,teaching organization, research, student support and communication, and socialreputation, as well as preliminary evaluation feedback from the MoE and SCF’ sresponse. All JMC members approved the report and fully affirmed SCF’s achievements in the past year. Discussions on SCF’sPlan for the Next Five Years was also made in the meeting. The plan covered the following aspects: the aim, mission, vision and values of SCF,disciplinary development for TNE, trends in the student population of undergraduate and postgraduate, joint recruitment of faculty teams, research,international cooperation, and social service, and desired results, etc. |